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November 29, 2016

Heeei! Olen juba kirjutanud sulle oma Make Up Forever Ultra HD Stick jumestuspulgast ja juba pikemat aega olen tahtnud proovida ka sama nimega vedelat jumestuskreemi. Ma armastan katvust mille ma saan pulgalt, kuid mul on küllaltki rasune näonahk ja selle tõttu olen alati mures ja peegli ees kontollimas ega mul nüüd näost meigipõhi maha ei tilgu. Riia ilumessil avaneski võimalus endale vedel versioon soetada. Sellel jumestuskreemil ei ole minu nahal pooltki nii head katvust kui pulgal- sobib igapäevaseks kasutamiseks, kui soovin poolkatvat tulemust. Õhtul välja pidutsema ma sellega aga ei läheks. Kahjuks ka selle jumestuskreemi puhul pean kasutama puudrit, et see paremini, ühtlasemalt ja kauem peal püsiks. 
Mõlemad jumestuskreemid on aga selle poolest head, et neil ei teki ajapikku roosakat alatooni.

Heeey! I have already told you about my Make Up Forever Ultra HD Stick foundation and I have been wanting to try out the liquid formula as well. I love the coverage that I get from the stick, but because I have oily skin I constantly have to worry about how it wears and check in the mirror if there isn't any foundation dripping off of my face. On a beauty expo in Riga I got a chance to buy the liquid formula from the Make Up Forever counter. Unfortunately, there is not half as much coverage on my skin in this one as in the stick formula. But it works perfectly for everyday use- when I do not want that much full-coverage on my face. I also have to powder with this one, but not as often as with the other one. It makes it last longer and really evens it out.
Both of this foundations are good for me, because they do not have pinkish undertone to them.


November 22, 2016

Heeei! Veetsime pühapäeva kodus kokates ja koristades. Õhtul aga oli plaan emale vastu minna ja otsustasime varem kodust lahkuda ja külastada uut kohvikut Paulig Kulma. Tegemist on kohviku/ barista koolituskeskusega. Äge on see, et menüü ei ole nii eriline- kõik vajalik on olemas aga, kohvikus pakutakse tooreid ja täiesti vegan kooke. Ma sajaga fännan koha stiili ja sisustust (neil on kaks korrust ja ägedad valgustid), kuid kook mida otsustasin proovida osutus mündiekstraktiga ja ma kahjuks ei suutnud seda süüa. Väga huvitav, et seda sildil mainitud polnud. Ootan järmist korda, et saaks mõnda muud kooki juba proovida!

Heeey! We spent our Sunday at home cooking and cleaning. In the evening we had to pick up my mum from the port and we d decided to leave earlier and visit the new cafe Paulig Kulma. It is a cafe/ barista college. They do not have any super fancy drinks on their menu- but they have raw and vegan cakes. I am totally all over their interior and design in general (they have two floors and awesome lightning), but the cake that I decided to try turned out to be infused with mint extract and was completely uneatable for me. Interesting, that it was not mentioned on the sign. Now I am looking forward to next time to try something and actually eat it! 


November 16, 2016

Heeei! Pildid eelmisest nädalast. Talveperioodil on kesklinnas ühes kesklinna kõrvalises tänavas äge vahelduv valgustus. Minu arvates näeb päris tuus piltidel välja :) Ilusat nädalat!

teksad- Zara, kõrge kaelusega pluus- Zara, mantel- Monki

Heeey! Pictures from last week. In the winter time, one of the streets downtown has these awesome changing lights going on. I think they look pretty cool in the pictures :) Have a great week! 

jeans- Zara, turtleneck- Zara, coat- Monki


November 11, 2016

Heeei! Midagi on sellel aastal valesti, sest novembrikuu alguses tuli maha paks ja lai lumi ja tuli täitsa jõulutunne juba. Sellel aastal plaanin jõulukinkide ostmisega alustada juba nüüd ja jõuda kõik valmis õigeks ajaks. Ootan juba detsembrikuud, sest plaan on minna koju Pärnusse ja veeta aega sõprade ja perega. Jeeeess, pole juba päris pikalt kodus käinud! Aga, käisime linnas ilma nautimas ja siin Sulle pildid sellest, mida kandsin.

jope- Monki, püksid- Vero Moda, dressipluus- Calvin Klein, kott- H&M, sall- Balmuir

Heeey! Something went wrong this year because it is not even middle of November and it is snowing like hell here in Finland. I am getting christmassy feeling quite already. This year I plan to do my Christmas shopping well in time and be ready with everything in beforehand. And the plan is to go home for Christmas so I will be spending time with family and friends. Jeeeey, long time no see! But, we ant for a wok in the town and here rare some pictures of what I wore.

jacket- Monki, pants- Vero Moda, sweatshirt- Calvin Klein, bag- H&M, scarf. Balmuir


November 07, 2016

Tagasivaade oktoobri lõppu, kui oli veel enam- vähem soe ja mõnusalt päikseline. Seda Lindexi musta kootud kleiti kannan aga kindlasti ka lumega- lisades alla Timberland või UGG saapad. Nii mõnusalt pehme ja lihtne kleit pidi minu riidekappi veel mahtuma! Viimasel ajal on olnud nii kiire, et ei jõuagi siia kirjutada, kuid üritan ennast vaikselt parandada ja tahan kirjutada ka natuke trennipostitusi. Kas oled sellest huvitatud? Anna mulle kindlasti teada! ;)

mantel-H&M, kleit- Lindex, kott- Zara

Throwback to the end of october when it was pretty warm and sunny. I will definitely wear this knitted dress by Lindex even now when there is whole loads of snow outside- just by adding Timberland or UGG boots. It is so warm and cozy and I had to find a place for it in my closet. I have been sooo busy these past weeks and I really have not posted much, but I am working on myself and trying to get better at managing my time. I also would like to write some workout- related posts, what do you think about that? Let me know! 

coat- H&M, dress- Lindex, bag- Zara

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