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Urban Decay NAKED

January 31, 2017

Heei! Lõpuks- lõpuks olen ka mina selle paletti omanik ja pean tõdema, et see on kindlasti väärt igat senti. 12 imekaunit ja pigmentset tooni annavad võimaluse luua erinevaid nii päeva- kui õhtumeike. Üllatas mind ka toonide püsivus- hommikul tehtud meik püsis kindlalt liikumatult õhtuni. Must- have!

Heey! Finally, and I mean finally, I am also an owner of this beautiful palette by Urban Decay. And I have to admit- it is worth every euro. 12 beautiful shades that can be combined into pretty day and night looks. I was also really surprised by the staying power of these- the look I had done in the morning stayed on without smudging or moving until the end of the day. A must-have!


January 23, 2017

Heei! Ma juba nii ootan kevadet, sest siis saab oma uued tossud varba otsa tõmmata ja täiega chillilt võtta. Alati olen rohkem Nike pooldaja olnud, kuid viimasel ajal leian ennast järjest rohkem Adidase tosse jõllitamast. Möödunud aasta lõpus algas tõusma Adidas Gazelle populaarsus ja sellel aastal see ainult jätkub- otsustasin endale hankida 2 paari ja leidsin nad ikka lehelt Caliroots

Heeey! I soooo looking forward to spring, because then I can put on my new sneakers and just chill around in them. I have always been a fan of Nike, but recently I have found myself all over Adidas kicks. In the end of last year Adidas Gazelle really grew in popularity and the year it is continuing- decided to get myself 2 pairs of these, as I could not decide- loved them both! Found them at my old fave Caliroots.


January 19, 2017

Heeei! Tahan väga kuulda sinu reisisihtkohtade soovitusi! Meeldib sulle mõni linn oma shopinguvõimaluste poolest või hoopis tead sina just seda kõige mõnusamat ja ilusamat randa? Tahan kuulda sinu lemmikuid! 

mantel- H&M, kampsun- Monki, püksid- Zara, sall- Balmuir, jalanõud- Zinda

Heeey! I really want to hear about your top travelling destinations! Like some city for it's shopping opportunities or happen to know the most beautiful place out there? Let me now about your favorites!

coat- H&M, sweater- Monki, collots- Zara, scarf- Balmuir, shoes- Zinda


January 11, 2017

Heeei! Ma juba tean, et käesolev postitus on mu TOP 5 hulgas sellel aastal. Pildid on tehtud natuke peale jõule ja see oli ainuke päikseline päev terve selle aja jooksul, kui olin Pärnus. Pildistas Carolina Tagobert. 

mantel- H&M, plus- H&M, teksad- Zara, jalanõud- Zinda, seljakott- Michael Kors

Heeey! I can already tell you that this post is going to be in my TOP 5 this year. Pictures are taken a little after Christmas and it was the only sunny day during my whole stay in Pärnu. Pictures are by Carolina Tagobert.

coat- H&M, turtleneck- H&M, jeans- Zara, shoes- Zinda, backpack- Michael Kors


January 09, 2017

Heeei! Mu kaks hetkelemmikut on see liivakarva mõnus pehme Zara kampsun ja see must kasukas Lindexist. See kampsun on olemas veel kahes värvis ja ma lihtsalt vajan neid! Kasuka suhtes olin väga skptiline, kuid selle proovimise järel ei saanud ma seda oma peast ja nii see maanduski otse minu riidekappi. Tänu sellele ilmale, mis nii Pärnus kui Helsinkis püsis üllatavalt kaua, sai õnneks kanda mantleid ja õhemaid jopesid. Nüüd on aga õige talv! Käekott on hetkel käimas olevate soodukate leid.

seelik- H&M, kampsun- Zara, kasukas- Lindex, kott- Michael Kors, saapad- Zara

Heeey! My two favorites at the moment are: this soft camel-toned sweater from Zara and this black faux-fur coat from Lindex. This sweater comes in two other colors and I need them in my life! I was really skeptical about this coat for a bit but after trying it on I could not get it out of my head and it just somehow landed in my closet. Thanks to this weather that we were having in Pärnu and also in Helsinki I could wear coats and lighter jackets. But not anymore- it is freezing outside! 
Found this handbag on sale and fell in love instantly!

skirt- H&M, sweater- Zara, faux-fur coat- LIndex, bag- Michael Kors, boots- Zara


January 06, 2017

Tagasivaade detsembrikuu lõppu, kuidas ma lõpuks oma kahte parimat sõbrannat nägin. Palju sööki, alkoholivabu jooke ja homnikutundidesse venivad jutuajamised. Puhas armastus!

Throwback to the end of December, when I finally saw two of my best friends. A lot of food, non-alcoholic drinks and never- ending conversations. Pure love!


January 01, 2017

Loodan, et Sul oli rahulik ja soe jõuluaeg ja vägev ja lärmakas aastavahetus! Head uut!

I hope you had a peaceful and cozy Christmas and a wonderful New Years Eve! Happy new year!

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