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February 23, 2017

 Heeei! Mis saab olla parem kui vaba päev keset töönädalat, mille käigus paistab päike ja saad veeta aega oma kõige- kõige lähedasemaga? Vist mitte midagi ;) Lõpuks näeb päikest ja valgust on igas päevas järjest rohkem ja rohkem!

seelik, vöö, kampsun, mantel- H&M, saapad- Zara, kott- Michael kors, käekell- Komono

Heeey! What can be better than a free day in the middle of a busy week and the fact that the sun is out and I get to spend it with my closest person? I think, nothing ;) Finally we can see some sun and there is more and more light in each day!

skirt, belt, sweater, coat- H&M, boots- Zara, bag- Michael Kors, watch- Komono


February 17, 2017

Heei! Minu uus lemmik on see megalt pehme kampsun Zarast. Lisaks sellele tahtsin juba megakaua jalga saada need Vagabondi poolsaapad, kuid ei olnud sobivat ilma ja nüüd lõpuks saingi neid kanda. Leidsin nad Stockmann-i soodukatelt -60% letilt. Diilide diil! :)

kasukas- Lindex, teksad, kampsun- Zara, käekott- Michael Kors, saapad- Vagabond, kõrvarõngad- &OtherStories

Heeey! My new favourite thing is this super cozy and soft sweater from Zara. In addition, I have wanting to wear those suede booties from Vagabond for sooo long but the weather never seemed right and finally I put them on. Found them on sale in Stockmann from the -60% shelf. Deal of the deals! :)

faux fur coat- Lindex, jeans, sweater- Zara, bag- Michael Kors, boots- Vagabond, earrings- &OtherStories


February 07, 2017

Heeei! Möödunud pühapäeva tahtsime veeta linnas jalutades ja pildistades, kuid umbes kahe tunni pärast olime juba teel koju tagasi, sest lihtsalt nii võimatult külm ja tuuline oli. Käesolev nädal on taas üsna töine, kuid nädalavahetuse saab selle eest veeta mõnusalt kodus. Lisaks üritan ikka leida aega ka trenni jaoks, et taas korralikult liinile saada. Võtsin juba kasutusele Myfitnesspal äppi ja ma olen obsessed!!! Ma ei ole kunagi oma toitmuist jälginud, veel enam teadnud täpselt mida ja kui palju iga toidukord sisaldab. Soovitan soojalt- toitud palju teadlikumalt ja äpp aitab koostada personaalse toidumenüü. Ilusat jätkuvat nädalat!

püksid, pluus- Zara, jope- Monki, müts- Stockmann, Adidas- Caliroots

Heeey! We spent our last Sunday in the city walking and taking pictures, but the weather was so windy and not cool that 2 hours later we were already on our way home. This week will also consist of mostly work, but I have free weekend and I can just chill home then. In addition, I am still trying to get back to working out properly. I also began to use an app Myfitnesspal and I am obsessed with it! I have never really tracked my eating and never ever have I known in detail what contains what and how much of it is in there. Highly recommend to check it out- you will absolutely try harder to stay on track and the app really helps to build a personal menu. Have a great week!

pants, shirt- Zara, jacket- Monki, hat- Stockmann, Adidas- Caliroots

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