Throwback to November
Work, more work, 2 trips to Helsinki

Work, more work, 2 trips to Helsinki
Eating the biggest pizza ever in Helsinki
Elu suurimat pitsat Helsingis söömas
The night before WANG x H&M launch on Aleksantrikatu
Õhtu enne H&M-i Wangi kollektsiooni müüki tulekut, Aleksantrikatul
On the day of the launch they put my things in this backpack
Järgmisel päval poest ostes pandi mu asjad sellisesse ägedasse seljakotti
Had beautiful nails at the beginning of the month
Kuu alguses olid mul täitsa ilusad küüned, armastan Gellakki ja need on mu oma ema tehtud :)
Bought new black wedges from Zara
Ostsin uued poolsaapad Zarast
Baking at home with my honey!!!
Tegime kodus viineripirukaid!!!!
Let's hope for even more exciting December!