Täna on 4. november ja hetkel istun ma oma poisi( how cheesy is that?!) korteris söögilaua taga, üksinda. Asi on nüüd siis ametlik. Ma olengi otsustanud hakata pidama blogi. Ma arvan, et siit saab lähitulevikus leida natuke igast teemast. Usun, et mul on millest kirjutada.
Proovin kõik oma seiklused üles kirjutada ja ka ilusti pilte lisada ning ma ei usu, et see tuleb igav...kui arvestada, et hetkel elan ma Tallinna korteris koos kahe kõige hullema ja samas ka armsama Pärnu tüdrukuga. Kindlasti pühendan mõlemale ühe postituse, nad on seda väärt. Lisaks proovin hakkama saada tööga H&M-is ning astuda ülikooli.
Today is 4th of November and I am sitting at my boyfriend's apartment at a dining table, alone. It is now official. I have really decided to start a blog. I believe that in near future you can find a little bit of everything here. I think that I will have something to write about.
I will try to write down all of my adventures and also add some pictures and I don't think that it will be boring...if you think about the fact that I am currently living in an apartment in Tallinn with two of the most craziest and sweetest girls from Pärnu. I will definately write about them, they deserve a post for each. In addition I am working at H&M and trying to get in to the university.
Proovin kõik oma seiklused üles kirjutada ja ka ilusti pilte lisada ning ma ei usu, et see tuleb igav...kui arvestada, et hetkel elan ma Tallinna korteris koos kahe kõige hullema ja samas ka armsama Pärnu tüdrukuga. Kindlasti pühendan mõlemale ühe postituse, nad on seda väärt. Lisaks proovin hakkama saada tööga H&M-is ning astuda ülikooli.
Today is 4th of November and I am sitting at my boyfriend's apartment at a dining table, alone. It is now official. I have really decided to start a blog. I believe that in near future you can find a little bit of everything here. I think that I will have something to write about.
I will try to write down all of my adventures and also add some pictures and I don't think that it will be boring...if you think about the fact that I am currently living in an apartment in Tallinn with two of the most craziest and sweetest girls from Pärnu. I will definately write about them, they deserve a post for each. In addition I am working at H&M and trying to get in to the university.
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