Mantel- H&M, teksad- Monki, kott- Lindex, t-särk- Lindex, Nike Air Max- Footlocker
Coat- H&M, pants- Monki, bag- Lindex, t-shirt- Lindex, Nike Air Max- Footlocker
Hall dzemper- H&M, erkroosa pikkade käistega spordipluus- Gina Tricot, legginsid- North Bend/Sportland, spordi rinnahoidja- Nike, must topp- H&M, Nike Free 5.0
Grey hoodie- H&M, pink long sleeved sport shirt- Gina Tricot, sport leggings- North Bend, Sportland, sports bra- Nike, black top- H&M, shoes Nike Free 5.0
Alustasin päeva hommikujooksuga ning avastasin Nike äppide erinevaid programme ja challengeid. Olen suhteliselt uus selles ja ei fänna tegelikult väljas jooksmist, olen rohkem rühmatreeningutes käija. Aga vaatan, kauaks mind jätkub :D
Hiljem tegime kodus süüa ja liikusime linna. Käisime paaris poes ja jalutasime ning jõime kohvi ja kakaod külma tuule käes.
Nüüd on coooozy time.
I started my day with a morning jog and also used the Nike app and made some new discoveries there. I am really new to this running thing and honestly I am not really a fan of it, I am more of a group-training person. But I want to see how long I can keep up!
Later with made some lunch at home ja went in to city. Visited a few shops and just had some coffee and hot chocolate in the cold wind.
Now it is coooooozy time.