Reedel olid kõik poed ja asjad siin kinni, jah, isegi toidupoed. Selle eest toimus üle linna umbes 5 suurt kirbukat ja otsustasime neid vaatama minna. Ühele jõudsime me muidugi alles siis, kui see oli juba kinni...piinlik!
Teisele jõudsime aga väga ilusti ning see oli tõsiselt suur ja seal oli niiiiii palju rahvast. Lisaks pidid seal olema ka kohalikud blogijad...Kirbukas pidi kestma viieni, jõudsime sinna poole kolmest ja ühtegi blogijat enam ei olnud :( Täna lähme uuesti!
Kirbukas toimus sellises kohas nagu Kaapelitehdas ja see on kunagi olnud mingi tehas, millest on ajapikku saanud omamoodi kultuurikeskus/ galerii.
Lisaks külastasime seal samas majas olevat näitust ja jõime teed/kohvi väikses kohvikus. Kodus tegime pastat ja pirukaaaaaaid. Whoooop!
Õhtul liikusime Senaatintori väljakule, kus toimus munadepühade puhul etendus. Lõpetasime aga baaris ja tegime mõned joogid :)
Pluus- Reserved
On Friday all of the shops and malls and things were closed here, yes, even the regular grocery shops. But there were several thrift markets going on all over the town. We planned to visit to of these, but of course when we arrived to the first place, it was already over.
We managed to make on time to the other one and there was sooooooo many people there. There were also supposed to be some local bloggers...The market was supposed to end at 5 p.m. we arrived around half past two, and there were not any bloggers there anymore:( Today we'll go again!
The market took place at Kaapelitehdas, it was some kind of factory, but during the time it has become like a cultural center/ gallery.
We visited the exhibition and also had some tea/ coffee at a little cafe there. At home we made some pasta and baked some buns.
In the evening we went to Senaatintori and saw the performance that was performed there because of Easter. We ended the night at a bar with having some drinks:)
Turtleneck- Reserved
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