Heeeey! One day I wore this braided up-do and decided to take some pictures of it. It is the easiest way to get hair out of the face and it also stays in place the whole day. I have short hair, up until my shoulders and they are also curly. So if I do not straighten them, I have to put them up in some way. It also works and stays in place during the whole workout.
I just have my part in the same place and always and start braiding from one side I do the Dutch braid. It is basically the same as the French one, but you are not braiding under the braid, but over it. I love the outcome of it.
On my lips I am wearing NYX Matte lipstick in Abu Dhabi!
Heei! Üks päev tegin ma omale sirgendamise asemel pähe punutise ja tegin sellest pilte ka. See on üks lihtsamaid viise kuidas kiirelt ja samas ilusalt juuksed nöo eest ära saada. Minul püsib see ilusti terve päev ja peab vastu isegi trennis. Mul on lühikesed juuksed, umbes õlgadeni ja lisaks on nad veel lokkis nii et kui ma neid ei sirgenda siis pean ma kuidagi need kindlasti kinni panema.
Üks pats algab ühelt poolt ja teine teiselt poolt, see on prantsuse patsi moodi, kuid sa ei punu üle salkude vaid just allapoole. Youtube on täis õpetuste videoid, ning sealt õppisin ka minagi. Ma olen tulemusest täiega vaimustuses.
Huultel on NYX Matte lipcream, toon Abu Dhabi!
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