Heeei! Lõpuks on ka minul alanud vaheaeg ja me oleme oma nelja kohvri ja kolme kotiga täiega kodus Pärnus! wooop!
Juba jõudsin saada Carolinaga kokku ja tema tegingi need #ootd pildid. Mainin ära, et pildid on tehtud telefoniga Samsung Galaxy S7 Edge. Võrrrrrratu ju!? Olen väga rahul.
Ilmaga kahjuks ei ole üldse vedanud, maikuuga sai vist suvi juba läbi ka. Ma ei taha aga eriti lasta ilmal enda tuju alla viia, sest köäes on ju minu sünnipäevakuu ja juba kohe- kohe näen ma oma armsaid sõbrannasid, keda ei ole ma ei tea kui ammu näinud :)
Sellel päeval ei olnudki mul jalas tossud vaid see aasta lõpuks võtsin kokku ja ostsin endale need mustad nahast espadrilled?, neil on vist selline nimetus :D Ostmisega ikka jamasin omajagu, tahtsin kõik poed enne ikka läbi vaadata, et siis kõige paremad osta. Neli poodi läbi käies sain aru, et nad on igalpool ühesugused, ainult erinevate firmade poolt ja üllataval moel oli hind ka sama- 89€. Viiendasse poodi sisse astudes ei lootnud ma enam midagi toredat leida, kui nägin riiulil istumas just neid, mis minuga hiljem ka koju tulid. Nende hinnaks oli 69€ ja ka sisemine tald ei olnud selline punutud nagu nende alumine osa väljast, vaid neil on see sees mõnus pehme. Loo moraal- ära kiirusta ja käi kõik võmalikud poed läbi ja kaalu läbi kõik variandid ;)
teksad, t-särk, tagi- H&M, "espadrillad?! :D" - Aleksi13, kott- Zara
Heeeey! Finally my summer break has begun and we are back home in Pärnu with our four suitcases and three bags! Yaaassss!
I already met with Carolina and she is the one who took all these pictures. They are all taken with the Samsung Galaxy S7 Edge and I must say, I am pretty impressed.
The weather has not been so good to us, it feels like now that the May is over, the summer went also by with it. I won't let that get to me, because it is my birthday month I soon I am meeting my all dear girlfriends so I am looking forward to that.
You can see I am not wearing sneakers and this year I finally pulled myself together and invested in some quality espadrilles. I took a while to get them. I went to like 4 different shops and they all had the same black model but from different brands, the price was the same everywhere. Finally I walked in to the fifth shop and I did not expect anything from there, but these are the ones that made it home with me. They are full leather and they are nice and comfy on the inside compared to the others that I tried also, they were cheaper than the rest :) Moral of the story- spend some time and really get to know your options ;)
jeans, t-shirt, jacket- H&M, espadrilles- Aleksi13, bag- Zara
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