Heeei! Lõpuks jõudsid ka minu riidekappi mum jeans-it. Kandsin neid nädalavahetusel ja mõnus kõrge kaelsuga pluus kaitseb mind nii kaua, kuni ma leian mõne ägeda sallikese, sest Helsinkis puhuvad juba päris tugevad tuuled. Samuti kaevasin välja oma valged Vansid ja nad näevad päris head välja, kuigi sain need kolm aastat tagasi?! Ma armastan valgeid tosse!
teksad- Zara, kõrge kaelusega pluus- Reserved, pruun jakk- Reserved, kott- Mango
Heyyy! Finally I have mum jeans in my wardrobe. High waisted and they end at the ankle- just how I like it. I wore them this weekend and a nice turtleneck will keep me warm until I find some nice little scarf, because the wind here is getting pretty serious already. In addition, I found my white Vans and they look pretty good, for the fact that I have had them for 3 years already?! I love white shoes!
jeans- Zara, turtleneck- Reserved, camel coat- Reserved, bag- mango
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