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NYX in Estonia

December 23, 2016

Heeei! Mõni aeg tagasi tuli mulle Eestis asuvasse koju meeldiv üllatus- pakike NYX-ilt! Seda nende poe avamise puhul Tallinnas. Kahjuks avamisele ma ei jõudnud, kuid juba varsti- varsti loodan seda Tallinnas külastada. 
Paki sees olid huuleläige, tumepruun silma- ja kulmupliiats ja mõnusalt mereroheline silmapliiats.
Huuleläige lõhnab täpselt nagu lapsepõlves populaarne olnud hapu HubbaBubba nätsukomm ja mõlemad pliiatsid on ülimalt kreemised ja hea pigmendiga.
PS, nüüd on NYX saadaval ka Tartus!
Aitäh NYX!

Heeey! Some time ago I got a gift to my home in Estonia- it was a package from NYX! And it was because of their store opening in Tallinn. I could not be there for the opening, but I hope to visit it in the next month or so. 
There was a lipgloss, dark brown eye- and eyebrow pencil and a greenish-blue eyepencil. The lipgloss smells like gum from my childhood and the pencils are extremely creamy and pigmented.
PS, you can now find NYX also in Tartu!
Thank you NYX!


December 12, 2016

Heeei! Jõuludeni on jäänud kaks nädalat! Või juba vähem?! Kes teab, igaljuhul, tahtsin sinuni tuua paar kingiideed, mida võiksid oma lähedastele kinkida. Minu arvates on kõik need kingid üsna asjalikud ja vajalikud, seega ei ole sinu raha tuulde raisatud ja ka kingisaaja meel hea, et asi riiulil tolmu koguma ei hakka. Loodan, et leiad midagi just enda kellelegi enda nimekirjast!

Heeey! It is two weeks until Christmas! Or is it already less than that?! Who knows, anyway, I wanted to give you a little list of gifts that you can get for your loved ones. I feel like all these things will come in handy and this means that you will not spend the money just because you have to and it will be a joy for the one who gets the gift that it will not go up on the shelf and just stay there. I hope you find some inspiration and can cross some of the people off of your list!

1. Kaarditasku- ülimalt mugav ja vajalik asi. Samas ka lihtne kink. Neid leidub igas hinnakategoorias ja stiilis. Pildil on Marc Jacobs must kaarditasku. Pilt pärineb lehelt

1. Cardholder- it is so comfortable and handy. At the same time it is a pretty simple gift. You can find them in any price category and style. This one is from Marc Jacobs and the picture is from

2.  Mahukas meigikott- üks äge ja suur meigikott peab ikka igal neiul kodus olema. Saab kodus kasutada ja ka reisile hea minna. H&M iluosakonnast võib leida palju erinevaid disaine ja värve. Pilt pärineb H&M veebipoest

2. A big make-up bag- everyone needs a big and spacious make-up bag. It can store all of your stuff on a shelf in a stylish way and you can grab it with you if you are going on a trip. For example there is a big range of these in the H&M beauty department. The picture is from

3. Soe suur sall- on talv ja me elame Põhja- Euroopas, kes ütleb ära sallile? Neidki leiab igas hinnaklassis ja värvis. Pildil Becsöndergaard-ni sall, pilt pärineb veebipoest www.becksondergaard-com

3. A big warm scarf- we live in Northern- Europe, who will say no to a scarf? You can also find them at any price point and style. In the picture there is a wool scarf from Becksöndergaard and the picture is from their website

4. Meigipalett- ülimalt äge kingitus meigiarmastajale! Ja rohkem ei olegi midagi vaja- pildil Urban Decay Naked palett, pilt pärineb veebipoest

4. Make-up palette- one of the best gifts you can give to a typical beauty-junkie! And you do not need  anything else- in the pictures there is a Naked palette by Urban Decay and the picture is from their website

5. Jalanõude puhastuskomplekt- või täpsemalt ketside puhastuskomplek. Tead kedagi, kes on ülim ketsifänn ja austab neid nii palju, et nende eest ka hoolt kanda? See kingitus on neile! Pilt pärineb lehelt

5. Cleaning set for shoes- or to be exact- sneakers. If you have a sneakerhead as a friend this gift is for them. Picture is from

6. Spordiriided- ei, mitte selleks, et millelegi vihjata, vaid selleks, et näidata oma austust ja inspireerida inimest jätkama seda, mida ta on siiamaani teinud- trenni tegema. Uute trenniriietega saab ta ainult hoogu juurde! Paremal  komplekt Rahel ja vasakul Mala Plus. Ägedaid komplekte leiab näiteks veebipoest

6. Workout clothes- no, you are not giving anyone hints about anything, you are showing you friend that you respect what they do and inspire them to keep going and continue doing what they do- love working out. New workout clothes are a brilliant way to stay motivated and get back to the gym as soon as possible. On the right set Rahel and on the left set Male Plus. You can find these and many other awesome sets from

7. Ööriided- mitte kellelgi ei saa kunagi olla liiga palju öö- ja koduriideid, eriti talvel. Kingi oma sõbrale mõni mõnus öösärk või pidzaama, millega saab kodus mõnusalt lebotada ja tunde teleka ees kakaod juua. Neid võib leida lehelt 

7. Sleepwear- you can never have too many night- and home wear, especially in winter. You can wear it around the house and chill in front of the TV with some hot chocolate. This one is Kirsten with a special holiday price. Go and see it on

8. Hommikumantel- kas ma pean üldse seda selgitama? Selle võib mõnusalt peale tõmmata oma ägedale uuele pidzaamale ja lisaks kakaole veel ka muretult nutellasaia süüa. Ka neid võid leida veebipoest 

(spordiriiete, ööriiete ja hommikumantli pildid pärinevalt veebipoest

8. Nightgown- do I even have to explain myself? You can just throw this on to your cozy pyjamas and in addition to hot chocolate have some Nutella bread. This nightgown is named Shirra and it is also available on the nightwear collection from Go see the special price that they have for it right now! 

(activewear, home wear and nightgown pictures are from the website



December 09, 2016

Heeei! Taaskord külastasin EHA Helsinki salongi, kus tehti mu juustele sügavpuhastust, niisutavat maski ja lõpuks keratiinihooldust. Pärast kõike seda olid juuksed nii pehmed ja siledad ja läikisid nagu uued. Lisaks lasin juuksed lühemaks lõigata ja tulemus on sinu ees. Nad on lühikesed, kuid soovi korral saab madalasse hobusesabasse panna. Tooted mida hooldustel kasutati on La Biosthetique poolt. Huultel NYX Liquid Suede- Vintage

kootud kleit- H&M, jope- Monki, saapad- Zara

Heeey! I went to EHA Helsinki once again and I got my hair super pampered. They did a deep-cleansing of the hair, a super moisturising mask and some kind of liquid keratin treatment. After all this my hair was super silky and smooth and had great texture. I also had my hair cut and this time a little more shorter. They are short but I can still gather them in a low small ponytail. All the products used were by La Biosthetique. On the lips NYX Liquid Suede- Vintage.

dress- H&M, jacket- Monk, boots- Zara


December 06, 2016

Heeei! Kes peale minu armastab jõule, sest just siis tulevad müüki igasugused kinkekomplektid, mille   seest võib leida palju ägedaid tooteid madalama hinna eest? Ma ei saa ju ainus olla ;) Just sellise ägeda kingikomplekti otsa sattusin muidugi Sokoses NYX leti kõrval- pakike kolme NYX Liquid Suede huulekreemiga ja hind oli 2=3 ehk pakis on kolm erinevat tooni, kuid maksad vaid kahe eest. Kuna ma ei olnud kunagi varem just seda toodet NYX-lt proovinud krabasin kohe paki endaga kaasa ja ei pidanud pettuma. Minu arvates on need kola tooni ülimalt kenad ja leiavad kasutust igal ajal. Eelmises postituses oli huultel toon Vintage- ja ma olen obsessed!

Heeey! Who else loves Christmas because it is that time of year when you can get all those cool beauty gift sets, that contain a lot of different products but cost less than normal? I can't be the only one ;) Of course I found a cool gift set just next to the NYX isle in Sokos and it was this package of their three Liquid Suede lipsticks and the price of it was 2=3, so you pay for two and get three. I had never tried these before so I had to grab them with me and I was not disappointed at all. The shades are beautiful and I can find a shade for any occasion. In the last post I was wearing Vintage- and I am obsessed!





December 02, 2016

Heeei! Helsinkis on niiii külm hetkel, et isegi mina, kes ei kanna mitte kunagi mütsi, pidin selle endale pähe saama! Otsisin selle kapipõhjast üles ja mu uute lühikeste juustega näeb ju päris äge välja, või mis? Lisaks- sobib see ideaalselt minu hetke lemmiku NYX Liquid Suede huulepulgaga- järgmises postituses saad teada ka tooni nime :) 

dressipluus- Zara, seelik- Monki, jope- Monki, saapad- Zara

Heeey! It is so cold in Helsinki right now that, even me, who never wears a hat, had to get it on to my had immediately! Dug it out of my closet and in my opinion it looks pretty cute with my new, even shorter hair and goes well with this lip colour that I am obsessed, it is NYX Liquid Suede and stay tuned for my next post to find out the exact name of the shade :)

sweatshirt- Zara, skirt- Monki, jacket- Monki, boots- Zara


November 29, 2016

Heeei! Olen juba kirjutanud sulle oma Make Up Forever Ultra HD Stick jumestuspulgast ja juba pikemat aega olen tahtnud proovida ka sama nimega vedelat jumestuskreemi. Ma armastan katvust mille ma saan pulgalt, kuid mul on küllaltki rasune näonahk ja selle tõttu olen alati mures ja peegli ees kontollimas ega mul nüüd näost meigipõhi maha ei tilgu. Riia ilumessil avaneski võimalus endale vedel versioon soetada. Sellel jumestuskreemil ei ole minu nahal pooltki nii head katvust kui pulgal- sobib igapäevaseks kasutamiseks, kui soovin poolkatvat tulemust. Õhtul välja pidutsema ma sellega aga ei läheks. Kahjuks ka selle jumestuskreemi puhul pean kasutama puudrit, et see paremini, ühtlasemalt ja kauem peal püsiks. 
Mõlemad jumestuskreemid on aga selle poolest head, et neil ei teki ajapikku roosakat alatooni.

Heeey! I have already told you about my Make Up Forever Ultra HD Stick foundation and I have been wanting to try out the liquid formula as well. I love the coverage that I get from the stick, but because I have oily skin I constantly have to worry about how it wears and check in the mirror if there isn't any foundation dripping off of my face. On a beauty expo in Riga I got a chance to buy the liquid formula from the Make Up Forever counter. Unfortunately, there is not half as much coverage on my skin in this one as in the stick formula. But it works perfectly for everyday use- when I do not want that much full-coverage on my face. I also have to powder with this one, but not as often as with the other one. It makes it last longer and really evens it out.
Both of this foundations are good for me, because they do not have pinkish undertone to them.


November 22, 2016

Heeei! Veetsime pühapäeva kodus kokates ja koristades. Õhtul aga oli plaan emale vastu minna ja otsustasime varem kodust lahkuda ja külastada uut kohvikut Paulig Kulma. Tegemist on kohviku/ barista koolituskeskusega. Äge on see, et menüü ei ole nii eriline- kõik vajalik on olemas aga, kohvikus pakutakse tooreid ja täiesti vegan kooke. Ma sajaga fännan koha stiili ja sisustust (neil on kaks korrust ja ägedad valgustid), kuid kook mida otsustasin proovida osutus mündiekstraktiga ja ma kahjuks ei suutnud seda süüa. Väga huvitav, et seda sildil mainitud polnud. Ootan järmist korda, et saaks mõnda muud kooki juba proovida!

Heeey! We spent our Sunday at home cooking and cleaning. In the evening we had to pick up my mum from the port and we d decided to leave earlier and visit the new cafe Paulig Kulma. It is a cafe/ barista college. They do not have any super fancy drinks on their menu- but they have raw and vegan cakes. I am totally all over their interior and design in general (they have two floors and awesome lightning), but the cake that I decided to try turned out to be infused with mint extract and was completely uneatable for me. Interesting, that it was not mentioned on the sign. Now I am looking forward to next time to try something and actually eat it! 


November 16, 2016

Heeei! Pildid eelmisest nädalast. Talveperioodil on kesklinnas ühes kesklinna kõrvalises tänavas äge vahelduv valgustus. Minu arvates näeb päris tuus piltidel välja :) Ilusat nädalat!

teksad- Zara, kõrge kaelusega pluus- Zara, mantel- Monki

Heeey! Pictures from last week. In the winter time, one of the streets downtown has these awesome changing lights going on. I think they look pretty cool in the pictures :) Have a great week! 

jeans- Zara, turtleneck- Zara, coat- Monki

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