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December 12, 2016

Heeei! Jõuludeni on jäänud kaks nädalat! Või juba vähem?! Kes teab, igaljuhul, tahtsin sinuni tuua paar kingiideed, mida võiksid oma lähedastele kinkida. Minu arvates on kõik need kingid üsna asjalikud ja vajalikud, seega ei ole sinu raha tuulde raisatud ja ka kingisaaja meel hea, et asi riiulil tolmu koguma ei hakka. Loodan, et leiad midagi just enda kellelegi enda nimekirjast!

Heeey! It is two weeks until Christmas! Or is it already less than that?! Who knows, anyway, I wanted to give you a little list of gifts that you can get for your loved ones. I feel like all these things will come in handy and this means that you will not spend the money just because you have to and it will be a joy for the one who gets the gift that it will not go up on the shelf and just stay there. I hope you find some inspiration and can cross some of the people off of your list!

1. Kaarditasku- ülimalt mugav ja vajalik asi. Samas ka lihtne kink. Neid leidub igas hinnakategoorias ja stiilis. Pildil on Marc Jacobs must kaarditasku. Pilt pärineb lehelt

1. Cardholder- it is so comfortable and handy. At the same time it is a pretty simple gift. You can find them in any price category and style. This one is from Marc Jacobs and the picture is from

2.  Mahukas meigikott- üks äge ja suur meigikott peab ikka igal neiul kodus olema. Saab kodus kasutada ja ka reisile hea minna. H&M iluosakonnast võib leida palju erinevaid disaine ja värve. Pilt pärineb H&M veebipoest

2. A big make-up bag- everyone needs a big and spacious make-up bag. It can store all of your stuff on a shelf in a stylish way and you can grab it with you if you are going on a trip. For example there is a big range of these in the H&M beauty department. The picture is from

3. Soe suur sall- on talv ja me elame Põhja- Euroopas, kes ütleb ära sallile? Neidki leiab igas hinnaklassis ja värvis. Pildil Becsöndergaard-ni sall, pilt pärineb veebipoest www.becksondergaard-com

3. A big warm scarf- we live in Northern- Europe, who will say no to a scarf? You can also find them at any price point and style. In the picture there is a wool scarf from Becksöndergaard and the picture is from their website

4. Meigipalett- ülimalt äge kingitus meigiarmastajale! Ja rohkem ei olegi midagi vaja- pildil Urban Decay Naked palett, pilt pärineb veebipoest

4. Make-up palette- one of the best gifts you can give to a typical beauty-junkie! And you do not need  anything else- in the pictures there is a Naked palette by Urban Decay and the picture is from their website

5. Jalanõude puhastuskomplekt- või täpsemalt ketside puhastuskomplek. Tead kedagi, kes on ülim ketsifänn ja austab neid nii palju, et nende eest ka hoolt kanda? See kingitus on neile! Pilt pärineb lehelt

5. Cleaning set for shoes- or to be exact- sneakers. If you have a sneakerhead as a friend this gift is for them. Picture is from

6. Spordiriided- ei, mitte selleks, et millelegi vihjata, vaid selleks, et näidata oma austust ja inspireerida inimest jätkama seda, mida ta on siiamaani teinud- trenni tegema. Uute trenniriietega saab ta ainult hoogu juurde! Paremal  komplekt Rahel ja vasakul Mala Plus. Ägedaid komplekte leiab näiteks veebipoest

6. Workout clothes- no, you are not giving anyone hints about anything, you are showing you friend that you respect what they do and inspire them to keep going and continue doing what they do- love working out. New workout clothes are a brilliant way to stay motivated and get back to the gym as soon as possible. On the right set Rahel and on the left set Male Plus. You can find these and many other awesome sets from

7. Ööriided- mitte kellelgi ei saa kunagi olla liiga palju öö- ja koduriideid, eriti talvel. Kingi oma sõbrale mõni mõnus öösärk või pidzaama, millega saab kodus mõnusalt lebotada ja tunde teleka ees kakaod juua. Neid võib leida lehelt 

7. Sleepwear- you can never have too many night- and home wear, especially in winter. You can wear it around the house and chill in front of the TV with some hot chocolate. This one is Kirsten with a special holiday price. Go and see it on

8. Hommikumantel- kas ma pean üldse seda selgitama? Selle võib mõnusalt peale tõmmata oma ägedale uuele pidzaamale ja lisaks kakaole veel ka muretult nutellasaia süüa. Ka neid võid leida veebipoest 

(spordiriiete, ööriiete ja hommikumantli pildid pärinevalt veebipoest

8. Nightgown- do I even have to explain myself? You can just throw this on to your cozy pyjamas and in addition to hot chocolate have some Nutella bread. This nightgown is named Shirra and it is also available on the nightwear collection from Go see the special price that they have for it right now! 

(activewear, home wear and nightgown pictures are from the website


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