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December 06, 2016

Heeei! Kes peale minu armastab jõule, sest just siis tulevad müüki igasugused kinkekomplektid, mille   seest võib leida palju ägedaid tooteid madalama hinna eest? Ma ei saa ju ainus olla ;) Just sellise ägeda kingikomplekti otsa sattusin muidugi Sokoses NYX leti kõrval- pakike kolme NYX Liquid Suede huulekreemiga ja hind oli 2=3 ehk pakis on kolm erinevat tooni, kuid maksad vaid kahe eest. Kuna ma ei olnud kunagi varem just seda toodet NYX-lt proovinud krabasin kohe paki endaga kaasa ja ei pidanud pettuma. Minu arvates on need kola tooni ülimalt kenad ja leiavad kasutust igal ajal. Eelmises postituses oli huultel toon Vintage- ja ma olen obsessed!

Heeey! Who else loves Christmas because it is that time of year when you can get all those cool beauty gift sets, that contain a lot of different products but cost less than normal? I can't be the only one ;) Of course I found a cool gift set just next to the NYX isle in Sokos and it was this package of their three Liquid Suede lipsticks and the price of it was 2=3, so you pay for two and get three. I had never tried these before so I had to grab them with me and I was not disappointed at all. The shades are beautiful and I can find a shade for any occasion. In the last post I was wearing Vintage- and I am obsessed!



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