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Heeei! Leidsin pildi oma lemmikutest igapäeva meigitoodetest, mis on tehtud peaaegu et täpselt aasta tagasi ja otsustasin kohe teha uue ja võrrelda, kui palju on muutunud. Tuleb välja, et palju. Üleval on täna tehtud pilt ja all aasta tagasi.
Maybelline The Nudes lauvärvipallett on kasutuses iga päev, Nude Cushion Lorealilt on mu lemmik jumestuskreem, uus Maybelline kulmupliiats, mis on väga hea pigmendiga ja püsib liikumatult peal, alati kasutan ka kulmugeeli, tunnen ennast ilma selleta kuidagi ebakindlalt juba.
Baby Skin primer on talvel kasutamiseks ideaalne meigipõhja looja, suvel võib see jääda liiga paksuks ja tundub poore ummistav.
NYX Wonder stick on mu lemmik. Heledam toon katab ära punetavad kohad ja tumedama abil saab ilusti nägu varjutada ja ikka veel kasutan H&M bronzerit, mis on täiesti matt.
Mu lemmik ripsmetušši kahjuks Soomes ei müüda. Pildil on samast sarjast pärit hõbedane, kuid minue meeldib rohkem mustas pakendis The False Lash Wings.
Heeey! I just found this picture of my favorite makeup that was taken a year ago and I decided to take a new one to see how much has changed. And it turns out a lot.
The Nudes palette by Maybelline is in use every single day, the colors are great and they all work together so you can mix and match, the Nude Cushion foundation by Loreal is my all time favorite foundation, new eyebrow pen by Maybelline has great color and it stays on perfectly. I always use an eyebrow gel, this one is by Loreal.
Baby Skin primer is great for the winter time, perfect for the base, I do not use it in the summer as the formula is too thick.
The NYX Wonder Stick is also the best thing ever. The lighter shade helps to cover imperfections and the brown tone is for contouring. I usually top it all of with H&M bronzing powder, which is matte.
My favorite mascara is not sold in Finland, but I like the lash wings mascara, but in the black packaging, this one right now is in silver.
Need asjad siin tunduvad küll võõrad. Body Shopi teepuuõli primeri kasutasin lõpuni ja Artistry jumestuskreemi samuti. Ka MaxFactori CC-peitekreem on otsa saanud. Kulmugeeli vahetasin Loreali oma vastu välja, kuid kindlasti pöördun Maybelline oma juurde tagasi. Bronzer jäi samaks ja ma loodan, et ma leian midagi head ja uut Londonist. Huvitav on see, et lauvärvid muutusid lahutamatuks osaks minu igapäeva meigirutiinist.
Seda Maybelline ripsmetušši ei kasuta ma ka enam kunagi. Olen nii harjunud Loreali omaga, et ei taha enam midagi muud kasutada.
Those things just feel strange. The tea-tree primer by Body Shop is all used up, so is the foundation by Artistry. The CC-cream by MaxFactor is also emptied. I switched the brow gel from Maybelline to boreal, but I will be going back to Maybelline. They just make such amazing brow products. The bronzer stayed the same and I hope that I will find something else in London. It is interesting that a year ago the eyeshadow was not a compulsory part of my makeup routine.
I will never use that Maybelline mascara again. I am so keen on to my Loreal wing mascara that I do not want to use anything else.
Kas teie olete tähele pannud muutusi oma meigikotis?
Have you noticed any changes in the products that you reach out for more?