Riiul on ostetud Ikeast. Pikka aega seisid enamus need väiksed riiulid tühjana, kuid siis tuli idee oma suuremad ja ägedamad käekotid kapist välja võtta ja hoopis riiulile panna. Sahtlid on ka hea lisand, sest siis ei ole sisu nähtaval. Mul on ka eraldi kapiuks ostetud, aga see veel alles ootab oma aega. :D
The shelf is from Ikea. For a long time, most of these little shelves were just empty but once I got an idea to take out my big bags from the closet and put them each on their own shelf. Gives extra space in the closet and makes it interesting to look at. I also have these back boxes, so not everything is on display. I also have bought a little door, but I guess it is just not its time yet.:D
Voodi on pärit Ikeast. Tahtsime pikka aega mingit ägedat maali või pilti selle kohale riputada, kuid ei leidnudki midagi sobivat. Iga kord oli midagi viga. Lõpuks leidsime Tigerist täiesti juhuslikult need ägedad mustad kleebitavad tähed ja minu arvates näeb päris äge välja :)
The bed is from Ikea. For a long time we wanted to hang some kind of picture or something above the bed but we could not find the right one. There always seemed to be the wrong size or we just did not like it. A few weeks ago we just found those cute black letters from Tiger that are stickers and I think they look pretty cute :)
Teen meigi alati elutoas ja ma vihkan kui pean otsima mingit pintslit või kulmugeeli vms oma üldisest meigikarbist. Otsustasin siis neid eraldi hoidma hakata ja tulemus on siis selline. Peegel on pärit Tigerist ja ma ei tea kuids ma ilma selleta üldse kunagi meiki tegin!
I always do my makeup in the living room and I hate when I have to search for some particular brush or an eyebrow gel from the main box of makeup that I have. I decided that I should keep them separately and this is the result. Mirror is from Tiger and I do not know how I ever did my makeup without it.
Ei tahtnud elutoas asuva kapi pealmist osa lihtsalt tühjana hoida ja praegu on seal üks pilt, mis ei ole ikka veel seinas, mõned küünlad mis on pärit H&M-ist ja üks äge öökapi lamp ka. Öökappe meil veel pole, aga ma varsti juba tegelen sellega, nii et natuke tuleb oodata ja juba kirjutan siia ka täpsemalt kuidas :)
I did not want to keep the top part of the shelf empty, this one is in the living room, and now there is one picture, that is still not hanging anywhere, some candles that are from H&M and one awesome nightstand lamp. We still do not have any nightstands, but I am planning to deal with that and I will also write it here, so in some weeks come and check out how I solve this problem :)
Meil on alati diivanil pleedid ja neid läheb alati vaja ka. Kõik on erinevad, see teeb üldpildi ainult ägedamaks minu meelest.
We always have blankets on our sofa and they are always useful also, I like that they are all different, it makes the whole room appear more interesting.
Padjad on ka üks võimalus, kudias muuta ruumi hubasemaks ja kodusemaks. Padjapüür on pärit H&M-ist.
Pillows are one way to make your room appear more cozy. The pillow case is from H&M.

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