Heei! Hiljuti sain oma augustikuus ostetud suured küünlad lõpuks maha põletatud ja nad olid sellistes suurtes klaasist purkides või alustes nagu on näha ülevalpool pildil. Põhjast sain vahajäägid kätte noaga ja seejärel pesin hoolikalt vee all purgid ära ka. Viskasin meigipintslid sisse, kuid tundus natuke tühjana.
Heey! Recently I managed to burn down the candles that I started burning in August and they were in big glass holders like you can see from above. I managed to get the remaining candle leftovers out with the knife and washed them properly with soap after it. I decided to threw in there my makeup brushes and it looked nice, but something was missing.
Paar nädalat otsisin siis midagi mida saaks sinna sisse panna, et pintslid seisaksid ja need saaks lihtsalt sinna sisse torgata. Lõpuks leidsin ühest kodusisustuse poest lillede ja taimede osakonnast sellised valged hästi väiksed kivikesed.
I wanted to get a filling for the holders and after couple of weeks, from one of the home themed shops, in the flower and plant department, I found those really nice and small sized white stones.
Valasin siis need kivid ümber ja oligi valmis. Üks purk sai täitsa tühjaks ja otsustasin hoida seal peitepulki ja kulmupliiatseid. :)
I just threw them in the holders and thats it. One jar from the stones was left empty so I decided to store my concealer and brow products in there. :)
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