Heeei! Kas sulle meeldib käi poodlemas Zaras? Mulle küll meeldib, kuid viimasel ajal on seal iga kord nii palju rahvast ja pood on nii sassis ja kõik mis mulle meeldib kas kaob just siis kui tahan seda proovida või lihtsalt ei ole enam vajalikku suurust. Andsin alla ja otsustasin kodus rahulikult lihtsalt netipoest tellida kõik asjad mida ma tahaksin proovida ja õiges suuruses, ning hiljem otsustada mis jääb ja mis läheb tagasi. Neil on väga mõnus tagastusvõimalus- sa ei pea tooteid tagasi saatma, vaid lihtsalt tagastad poodi.
Paki sain kätte poes ja proovisin kõik asjad seal samas selga ka, ning 5 tootest jäi alles kahjuks vaid kaks. Pakk ise ja kuidas see oli pakitud avaldas mulle väga muljet. Ooteaeg ei olnud ka nii pikk- tellisin neljapäeval ja sain esmaspäeval kätte. Tavaliselt oleks parem ikka nädala esimesel päeval tellida ja siis on pakk kindlasti neljapäevaks kohal. Paki poodi saatmine on Soomes tasuta, koduaadressile aga natukene üle 5€.
Heeey! Do you like shopping at Zara? I know I do, but every time I go in the store there are soooo many people there and I can never find my size or the thing that I wanted to try on is lost somewhere or they have to go get it from the warehouse or whatever and the store is super messy. I gave up and decided to order from the web store and just order everything that I want to try on and if it does not fit just return it. They have a really good return policy here- you do not need to send the things back by post, but you can just return them to the store.
I received the package at the store and tried the things on there- out of 5 things I sadly only kept 2. The packaging and how the items were packed inside of it really impressed me. I did not wait for it for that long either- I ordered on Thursday and received it on Monday. It is usually better to order in the beginning of the week to have your stuff by the end of it. If you pick up the package in the store you do not have to pay any extra for the shipping (here in Finland), if you want to get your package to the home address it costs something about 5€.