Heeei! Eelmisel nädalal proovisin uut Loreali Pure Clay maski. Loreal tõi välja kolm uut maski- nende kõigi põhikomponent on savi, kuid nende toime on natuke erinev.
Roheline mask on matistava ja puhastava toimega. Minu jaoks otsustas süna "matistav", ma olen all about it, sest minul on küllaltki rasune nahk ning olen alati toote otsingul, mis seda natukenegi vähendaks.
Maski kannan peale pintsliga ja küllaltki õhukese kihina ja ikka puhtale näonahale. Toimet on tunda kohe- sellel on selline cooling toime ja minul natukene ka kipitab, kuid see läheb üle. Paki peal on kirjutatud, et seda võib peal hoida 5-10 minutit, kuid mina olen hoidnud um 8 minutit. Maskiga on võimatu midagi süüa või juua või üldse rääkida. See kuivab ülimalt kuivaks ja enne maha pesemist on näo peal näha kõik poorid :) Maski pesen maha sooja veega ja seejärel kannan peale tooniku ja kindlasti kreemi ka, sest selline tunne on, nagu nägu oleks lihtsalt kõigest tühjaks imetud.Kasutan maski 3 korda nädalas.
Heeey! Last week I started using the new Loreal Pure Clay mask. They brought out three new face masks and they are all based on clay. I chose the green one which mattifies and purifies the skin. I have a pretty oily skin so I am all about that mattyfing thing, and I am always looking for products that can improve the situation even a little bit.
I apply the mask with a brush and it gives an opportunity to apply a thin and even layer of it. I could feel something right away- it was cooling and tingling a little bit, but as it started drying this feeling went away. On the packaging it suggests to keep the mask on for 5-10 minutes, but I usually keep it on for about 8 minutes. It is impossible to eat, drink or eat something with the mask on. It dries pretty fast and it actually like stops you from moving your face because it becomes so dry. Before you wash it away you can see all of the pores that are there on your face :) I wash it off with some warm water, use my face tonic and apply moisturizer, because skin feels like something sucked out everything that was in it. I use the mask 3 times per week.
Toimib hästi, kiidad? :)
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