Heeei! Nädalad lendavad nii kiirelt mööda ja lõpuks sain uue outfiti ka pildistatud! Pean leidma rohkem aega, et seda tihedamini teha. Aga pean mainima, et ma mulle väga meeldib see praegu populaarne dressipluus- mantel/teksatagi kombo. Ja see kott- hiljutine ost. See on lihtsalt nii ilus ja igas valguses erinevat värvi- monochrome! Eelmisel nädalal käisin juuksuris ja lõikasin juuksed täitsa lühikeseks ja olen jumala rahul. Lisaks sellele ka muretsesin uued juuksehooldustooted, millest räägin ka mõne aja pärast blogis.
püksid- Zara, teksatagi- H&M, dressipluus- Calvin Klein, kott- H&M
Heeeey! Weeks are going by so fast and I finally managed to shoot outfit pictures. I really have to make more time to shoot these. I have to tell you- I am really digging this hoodie- coat/denim jacket style that has been really popular recently. And this bag- a recent purchase. I love it- it is unique and it changes color in different lighting- monochrome! Last week I also got a haircut and cut my hair really short- almost bob length, but I do really like it. In addition, I got some hair care products that I will talk about in some upcoming blogpost.
pants- Zara, denim jacket- H&M, hoodie- Calvin Klein, bag- H&M
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