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sneaker inspiration

April 23, 2015

Adidas Tubular Runner

Uued soovid suveks! 

New wishes for the summer! 

All of the pictures belong to Caliroots instagram page. 



Ema üllatas hiljuti hommikul kodus selliste kohupiima pontsikutega, yummm. 
Vaja läheb:
5 muna
2 pakki kohupiima
300g jahu
1dl suhkrut

Sega kõik asjad kokku ja lusikatega peab tegema väiksed pallikesed, enne paned pliidile kastruli, kus lased soojaks õli ja praed siis pallikesi selle sees. Nii kui nad tõusevad pinnale, on pontsikud valmis! 

My mother recently surprised me with these cottage cheese deep fried balls, yummy.
You will need:
5 eggs
2 packs of cottage cheese
300g flour
1dl of sugar

Mix all of the ingredients together and by using two spoons form little balls, before that you need to preheat the oil in the pot and then throw the balls inside and deep fry them, as soon as they rise to the surface of the oil, they are ready! 


where I stand

Nike Roshe Run(Stadium), Zara Kids leggings

slippers Zara, pants H&M

Nike Airmax (Footlocker), bag Lindex


sunday cooking

Pastaaaaa! Pühapäev on täielik pasta päev. Või no tegelikult minu jaoks võiks iga päev see päev olla...:D 
Midagi rasket selle tegemises ei ole, see kord ei kasutanud koort ega tavalisi makarone. Tegin täisterapastaga ja kaste oli vee baasil, lisasin soola, pipart ja muid maitseaineid, mis mulle maitsevad ja nii oligi! Kiire, kerge ja maitsev.

Pastaaaaa! Sunday is such a pasta day. Except for me, every day could be a pasta day.... :D
There is nothing difficult about making it, except this time I did not use cream for the source and not the regular pasta. I used water to make the souce and whole-grain pasta, added some salt, pepper and other spices that i like and that was it! Fast, easy and delicious! 

xo, Julianna

around town

April 04, 2015

Reedel olid kõik poed ja asjad siin kinni, jah, isegi toidupoed. Selle eest toimus üle linna umbes 5 suurt kirbukat ja otsustasime neid vaatama minna. Ühele jõudsime me muidugi alles siis, kui see oli juba kinni...piinlik!
Teisele jõudsime aga väga ilusti ning see oli tõsiselt suur ja seal oli niiiiii palju rahvast. Lisaks pidid seal olema ka kohalikud blogijad...Kirbukas pidi kestma viieni, jõudsime sinna poole kolmest ja ühtegi blogijat enam ei olnud :( Täna lähme uuesti!
Kirbukas toimus sellises kohas nagu Kaapelitehdas ja see on kunagi olnud mingi tehas, millest on ajapikku saanud omamoodi kultuurikeskus/ galerii.
Lisaks külastasime seal samas majas olevat näitust ja jõime teed/kohvi väikses kohvikus. Kodus tegime pastat ja pirukaaaaaaid. Whoooop!
Õhtul liikusime Senaatintori väljakule, kus toimus munadepühade puhul etendus. Lõpetasime aga baaris ja tegime mõned joogid :)
Pluus- Reserved

On Friday all of the shops and malls and things were closed here, yes, even the regular grocery shops.   But there were several thrift markets going on all over the town. We planned to visit to of these, but of course when we arrived to the first place, it was already over.
We managed to make on time to the other one and there was sooooooo many people there. There were also supposed to be some local bloggers...The market was supposed to end at 5 p.m. we arrived around half past two, and there were not any bloggers there anymore:( Today we'll go again!
The market took place at Kaapelitehdas, it was some kind of factory, but during the time it has become like a cultural center/ gallery.
We visited the exhibition and also had some tea/ coffee at a little cafe there. At home we made some pasta and baked some buns.
In the evening we went to Senaatintori and saw the performance that was performed there because of Easter. We ended the night at a bar with having some drinks:)
Turtleneck- Reserved



April 01, 2015

Mantel- H&M, teksad- Monki, kott- Lindex, t-särk- Lindex, Nike Air Max- Footlocker

Coat- H&M, pants- Monki, bag- Lindex, t-shirt- Lindex, Nike Air Max- Footlocker 

Hall dzemper- H&M, erkroosa pikkade käistega spordipluus- Gina Tricot, legginsid- North Bend/Sportland, spordi rinnahoidja- Nike, must topp- H&M, Nike Free 5.0

Grey hoodie- H&M, pink long sleeved sport shirt- Gina Tricot, sport leggings- North Bend, Sportland, sports bra- Nike, black top- H&M, shoes Nike Free 5.0

Alustasin päeva hommikujooksuga ning avastasin Nike äppide erinevaid programme ja challengeid.  Olen suhteliselt uus selles ja ei fänna tegelikult väljas jooksmist, olen rohkem rühmatreeningutes käija. Aga vaatan, kauaks mind jätkub :D
Hiljem tegime kodus süüa ja liikusime linna. Käisime paaris poes ja jalutasime ning jõime kohvi ja kakaod külma tuule käes.
Nüüd on coooozy time.

I started my day with a morning jog and also used the Nike app and made some new discoveries there. I am really new to this running thing and honestly I am not really a fan of it, I am more of a group-training person. But I want to see how long I can keep up!
Later with made some lunch at home ja went in to city. Visited a few shops and just had some coffee and hot chocolate in the cold wind.
Now it is coooooozy time.


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