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November 22, 2016

Heeei! Veetsime pühapäeva kodus kokates ja koristades. Õhtul aga oli plaan emale vastu minna ja otsustasime varem kodust lahkuda ja külastada uut kohvikut Paulig Kulma. Tegemist on kohviku/ barista koolituskeskusega. Äge on see, et menüü ei ole nii eriline- kõik vajalik on olemas aga, kohvikus pakutakse tooreid ja täiesti vegan kooke. Ma sajaga fännan koha stiili ja sisustust (neil on kaks korrust ja ägedad valgustid), kuid kook mida otsustasin proovida osutus mündiekstraktiga ja ma kahjuks ei suutnud seda süüa. Väga huvitav, et seda sildil mainitud polnud. Ootan järmist korda, et saaks mõnda muud kooki juba proovida!

Heeey! We spent our Sunday at home cooking and cleaning. In the evening we had to pick up my mum from the port and we d decided to leave earlier and visit the new cafe Paulig Kulma. It is a cafe/ barista college. They do not have any super fancy drinks on their menu- but they have raw and vegan cakes. I am totally all over their interior and design in general (they have two floors and awesome lightning), but the cake that I decided to try turned out to be infused with mint extract and was completely uneatable for me. Interesting, that it was not mentioned on the sign. Now I am looking forward to next time to try something and actually eat it! 
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