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April 03, 2016

Heeei! Ma ei ole kunagi varem Benefiti tooteid eriti kasutanud, ainult Prantsusmaal olen kunagi ostnud Benefiti väikse reisikomplekti, kus olid 4 erinevat toodet, väikeses pakendis. Seal proovisingi They`re Real ripmsetušši ja olen alati seda osta tahtnud. Poodi läksin kahe kindla sooviga: ripsmetušš ja Hello flawless jumestuskreem.
Küsisin abi ja pakuti jumestuskreemi minu peal testida ja olin kahe käega nõus, teenindaja võttis mul meigi näo pealt maha ja oli kohe kindel, et mul üldse ei ole seda jumestuskreemi vaja ja vajan hoopis teist. Mul on rasune näonahk ja ta soovitas mulle seda Benefiti BB kreemi sarnast puuder-jumestuskreemi. See jääb nahale õhukese kihina ja ei ummista poore, samas jätab mõnusa siidise, puudrise lõpptulemuse ja katab kõik iluvead. Sellel on ka SPF 30. Leidsin, et mulle meeldib seda peale kanda just kätega või siis beauyblenderiga, pintsliga jääb tulemus liiga paksu kihina. Sobib ideaalselt suvel kasutamiseks(päikesekaitse), kui ei soovi oma nägu jumestuskreemiga kurnata aga siiski ei soovi olla täitsa tühja näoga :)
Ka soovitud ripsmetušši ma lõpuks ei ostnud. Ostsin hoopis selle Roller Lash tušši, olin megaskeptiline, sest asi ei ole odav ja ma ei tahtnud pettuda. Konsultant oli aga nii kindel, et see täpselt sobib mu silmade kujuga ja muudab mu ripsmed lihtsalt võrratuks ja kinnitas, et ma jään sajaga rahule. Andsin alla ja ostsin selle. Mul ei ole paremat ripsmetušši veel kunagi olnud. See ei pudise, ilusti haarab kõik ripsmekarvad ja muudab ripsmed megapikaks.
Olen mõlema tootega väga rahul ja see tüdruk tegi ikka väga head tööd. Muideks nimeks oli tal Oreo :D

Heeey! I have never used Benefit products before, just once in France I purchased this travel kit, that had 4 little products inside of it. In there was They're Real mascara and I have been wanting to buy the full version of it ever since. I went in to the store and I had two things in mind, the mascara and the Hello flawless foundation.
I asked for help and they immediately offered to try the foundation on my skin and I was on board, after taking my make up off, the girl was sure that I do not need this foundation at all and I need to have the Big Easy one. It is similar to a BB cream, powder-foundation. It applies in thin layer and does not fill any pores, at the same time it gives a nice silky and slightly powdery finish. I like to put it on with my fingers or a beauty blender, I feel like the brush does not work so well with it. It has SPF 30 which makes it nice to use it in the summertime, when you do not want to stress your face with too much make up or just walking bare-faced :)
Furthermore, I did not buy the mascara that I wanted. Instead, I got this Roller Lash one, I was really skeptical, because it is not cheap and I did not want to be disappointed. The girl told me that it will work perfectly with my eye-shape and it will turn my lashes into something I have never seen before. And she was right. I have never had a mascara that is as good as this! It grabs every lash, it does not smudge and it adds the enormous length to them.
I am super pleased with both of the products and this girl did a great job. Oh, and her name was Oreo :D

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