Make up Forever ultra HD jumestuspulk on üks parimaid tooteid, mida ma kasutanud olen. Olin üsna skeptiline, see on õli baasil ja ma ei teadnud kuidas mu nahk sellele reageerib. Nagu ikka lasin poes seda endale peale panna ja nii käisingi pool päeva vähemlt sellega ringi. Sobis! See on full-coverage ja püsib super hästi, ammu tahtsin endale sellist toodet, millega saaks täiesti laitmatu meigipõhja, ilma selle cake-face efektita.
Make up Forever ultra HD foundation stick is one of the best products that I have ever used. I was a little in between about getting it, because it is an oil based foundation and as I have oily skin I dod not really know how it will wear and sit on my face. And as always I went to the store and they tested it on me. I wore it for about half of the day and it worked perfectly. This is a full-coverage foundation and it stays on perfectly. I have wanted a product like this for a while now, so I can use it and give myself a flawless finish without feeling like a cake-face.
Make up Forever ultra HD foundation stick is one of the best products that I have ever used. I was a little in between about getting it, because it is an oil based foundation and as I have oily skin I dod not really know how it will wear and sit on my face. And as always I went to the store and they tested it on me. I wore it for about half of the day and it worked perfectly. This is a full-coverage foundation and it stays on perfectly. I have wanted a product like this for a while now, so I can use it and give myself a flawless finish without feeling like a cake-face.
Nars peitepulk. Kõik räägivad sellest! Kõik! Just sellest ühest toonist "custard". Ilm naljata käisin kolmes poes ja enamus nendest peitepulkadest olid välja müüdüd. Neljandasse minnes ma enam ei lootnud midagi ja seal see mulle vastu vaataski! Ma isegi ei küsinud hinda ja ühte silma kinni pigistades sisestasin oma kaardi ja pin koodi. 22 naela. Ma isegi ei taha edasi mõelda palju see eurodes on :D Aga see on täiega väärt oma raha, sobib ideaalselt highlightimiseks ja cream-contouringu tegemiseks. Silma all ei ole ükski peitepulk nii ilusti vastu pidanud kui see. Tahan näha kui kaua see tuub aga kestab.
Nars creamy concealer. Everyone is talking about it! And just about this particular shade- "custard". I am not joking, I went in to three different stores and they were out of the most shades of these concealers. When I was entering the fourth one I did not expect anything, but there it was sitting just casually. I did not even ask for the price and with one eye open I checked my card put in the code. 22 pounds. I do not even want to think how much is it in euros :D But it is totally worth the money and the hype, it is creamy, works for highlighting and for cream contouring. By far, this is the one concealer that has also worked perfectly on my under-eye area! I just want to see how long this tube lasts.

Mac-i tooteid ei ole ma kunagi kasutanud. Hiljuti ostsin omale mitu huulepulka, mis väga meeldivad ja tahan ka muid tooteid proovida. Praegu ostsin prep+prime fix+ ja õli baasil meigieemaldaja. Fix+ kasutan peale näokreemi ja enne jumestuskreemi peale kandmist, kui jumestus on valmis, kinnitan selle veel ühe kihiga. Töötab primerina ja kinnitab tulemuse ning kindlasti aitab püsida ilusti terve päeva.
Olen alati kasutanud meigieemaldajaid, mis on õlil tehtud ja see ei ole erand. Meeldib selle juures see, et ilusti võtab maha ka huulevärvi, ilma huuli kahjustamata ja neid samal ajal hooldates ja niisutades.
I have never used any MAC products before, except for the lipsticks that I got just recently. I do want to try other products also. These two are the ones that I got for now. The prep and prime and the cleanse off oil. I use the Fix+ before applying make-up and also after to finish off the look. It helps it stay fresh and last longer.
I have always used oil based make up removers and this is not something new to me. I like that it takes off even the lip color, without damaging the lips and hydrating them at the same time.
I have never used any MAC products before, except for the lipsticks that I got just recently. I do want to try other products also. These two are the ones that I got for now. The prep and prime and the cleanse off oil. I use the Fix+ before applying make-up and also after to finish off the look. It helps it stay fresh and last longer.
I have always used oil based make up removers and this is not something new to me. I like that it takes off even the lip color, without damaging the lips and hydrating them at the same time.
Ma ka nillisin neid NARS asju Itaalias, kuid ei raatsinud siiski veel osta :D