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April 17, 2016

Heeeei! Lõpuks ongi see päev käes ja ma ei pea enam virisema ega tellima ega otsima endale midagi NYX-lt, sest nad avasid oma müügileti otse Helsinki südames! Jeeeee! Olen nüüd hetkel praktikal ja just sellel ühel reedel, kui nad avasid, pidin ma hoopis tööl olema...see üks ainuke reede! Oleks tahtnud väga päeval avamisel kohal olla, Linda Hallberg oli kohal ju!!! 
Aga mõtlesin, et oh, kahkeksast lõpetan ja siis saan ilusti rahulikult üksinda uudistama minna. Jõusdsin poodi pool üheksa ja ega ma ei saanud suurt midagi seal teha...seal oli ikka veel nii palju rahvast ja naised on ikka naised "kui mul vaja siis ma seisan ja mul suva kas seal veel 15 naist taga on aga mul on ju seda ühte huuletooni vaja uurida just täpselt siin leti ees ja ma ei liiga sentimeetrit ka". 
Kõik jooksid tormi mu lemmikute Soft Matte Cream-ide peale...I told you so :D
Valik on päris korralik ja küllaltki lai, palju palju parem kui Londonis nüüd hiljuti oli. 
Avamise ajaks olid peaaegu kõik praegused turul olevad tooted poes kohal. Hiljem tulevad ka Ombre põsepunad ja Lip Lingerie huulevärvid.
Piltidel on näha, mis ma esimesel korral endaga kaasa võtsin. Avastasin Round Lipstick-i, mis on üliniisutav, nagu ausalt ülimalt. Roosa toon on hea vaheldus mu pruunikatele toonidele. See heledam beez on minu jaoks liiiga hele, kuid seda saab äkki mõne teise tootega koos kasutada. Lauvärvid on ka küllaltki head, kuid tumedam toon võiks olla natukene pigmentsem. Põsepuna on megapigmentne, nagu wow, in ya face pigmente. Käe peal tundub see selline natukene tumedam kuld vms, kuid näole kandes tuleb ka roosakat tooni ilusti esile. Väga äge ja mina, mitte eriti suur põsepuna kasutaja, olin tulemusega väga rahul. Nägu tundub kohe palju säravam.

Heeey! It is finally the day when I can stop complaining, ordering and searching for places that sells NYX, because they opened a counter right in the middle of Helsinki. I am now on my on the job learning, but the same Friday that they opened I was actually supposed to be at work, this just one Friday! They had Linda Hallberg at the opening, cmoon! I figured that alright, I will finish at 20 and I will go then and have a private and calm look around it...nope, did not happen. I got there around like 20.30 and it was packed with people, the store was empty, but the little floor area under the NYX counter was taken :D There were a lot of girls there, and girls are girls "if I need to then I will stand here and only here I do not care if there are 15 other girls standing behind me I need to look at this lipstick right in front of the counter and I will not move an inch"
Of course the most popular product was Soft Matte Lipcream...yeeess I told you it was worth it!
They have great variety of products, a lot better than in London recently. They managed almost to get every line that is on the market right now, but still the Ombre blushes and Lip Lingerie lipsticks are coming a little later.
In the pictures you can see what I got from my first trip. I discovered their Round Lipsticks that are extremely creamy and hydrating, I even found a dupe for my Mac Spirit from this range. I grabbed pinky shade that is a good change for my neutrals and one super light nude is waaaayyy to light for my lips, but I think it will work paired with some other lipstick. T
he eyeshadows are pretty good as well, but the darker shade could use a little bit more pigment in it. The blush is super pigmented, it is like woaaahhh, in ya face pinky gold, like go out guuuurl. It seems a bit too gold on the hand, but once you put it on your cheeks it just lights up the face and adds this great pinky-gold shade. I am not a big blush user but this made me look at my face differently!

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