Heei! Suvi ei ole enam kaugel ja päikest on viimastel päevadel juba päris palju nähtud. Hiljuti leidsin ägeda lehe nagu www.avanityaffair.co ja seal leidub pääris palju ägedaid päikseprille. Mis veel parem, ka mõistliku hinna eest. Siin on minu kolm lemmikut. Pean otsustma, millised tellida!
Heeey! Summer is not so far away anymore and during the last days the sun has been out quite a lot. Recently I found this website www.avanityaffair.co and there you can find these cool sunglasses. And the best part is that they do not cost that much. Here are my three favorites. Now I just have to decide which ones to get!
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