Heeeei! Möödunud nädalavahetuse laupäeva hommikul käisin sellisel üritusel nagu Ilublogijate kokkutulek. Toimus kõik Al Bastione ägedas ja hubases restoranis, kus pakuti megalt palju süüa ja ägedat John Lemon limonaadi!
Mõned sponsorid olid oma toodetega kohal ja saime natuke rohkem teada brändide sünniloost ja infot toodetest. Lisaks said kõik kingikoti ka ja no selle sisu on lihtsalt meeltülendav! Suur- suur aitäh kõikidele toetajatele! Viimane pilt on alles pool kogu kraamist :D
Kõige suurem tänu läheb aga korraldajatele: Elisabeth, Anna- Maria, Helerin ja Lauriina! Naised said ju suurepäraselt hakkama!
Hetkel olen kodus Pärnus ja see kord on meil ülimalt tegus reis olnud. Varsti näeb blogis ka selle töö tulemusi :)
Heeey! Last weekend I attended this one event in Tallinn where 40 beauty bloggers got together and took al to of pictures, ate a lot of pizza and drunk lemonade! The event was in Al Bastione restaurant and we got to try their amazing food and got to drink the John Lemon lemonade!
Some of the sponsors were also there and we got a chance to learn more about the history of the brand and the products. In addition we all got a goodie- bag full of exciting stuff! Thank you so much, sponsors! The last pictures shows about half of it :D
I really want to thank all of the four organizers: Elisabeth, Anna- Maria, Helerin and Lauriina! These girls did a great job!
Right now I am in Pärnu and so far we have had extremely busy trip. I will soon post some work up on the blog also :)
Alatiii nii ilusad pildid ja ka seekord pole erand!